Here, West Yost is finishing the stormwater master plan, which focuses on evaluating the City’s trunk storm drain system. West Yost has also completed Hydraulic and Hydrologic modeling for existing conditions and for evaluating improvements. West Yost has completed the data collection and condition assessment field work activities to confirm the configuration of the trunk drain system and define its condition. We are currently (early 2021) finishing the report documenting the outcomes of the Stormwater Capital Improvement Program Master Plan (SCIPMP). Pipe improvements, detention storage, and pump station reconstruction, as well as numerous maintenance projects are needed to improve the drainage system capacity, improve water quality, and avoid potential system failures.
The CIPs from the SCIPMP include:
- 11 flood control projects within 6 watersheds including pipe improvements, detention storage, and pump station reconstruction
- 13 maintenance/condition improvement projects for pipes
- 7 maintenance/condition improvement projects for channels/outfalls
- 3 maintenance/condition improvement projects for manholes
While these projects are currently at a planning level, West Yost has the expertise and wherewithal to quickly progress them through feasibility to design completion.
Team Spotlight

Michele Miller, PE
Associate Engineer II

I am most proud of the synchronized effort to identify hydraulic and condition deficiencies for the City of Rancho Cordova SCIPMP. I led the extensive field investigation and developed hydraulic modeling. West Yost was able to offer a holistic approach to creating a capital infrastructure program. I created a cloud based WebMap for this effort, facilitating real time data collection and exchange with the City on all infrastructure data.”

Melissa Duffy, PE
Associate Engineer II

Melissa Duffy, PE
Associate Engineer II
“Although I got my start working on a range of water projects, stormwater interested me because of the impact it makes to the communities we work with. Most of our clients are cities, and I help them and the people who live in them to reduce the amount of flooding in areas that are built up. I also work on preventative measures through early design phases for new developments and I find both very interesting.
I have accomplished a lot and gotten a lot of value out of the Rancho Cordova CIPMP because I had the opportunity to work on all phases of the project, from the proposal through the final report. After my participation in the proposal, I coordinated and conducted the fieldwork necessary to develop the hydrologic and hydraulic models. The models I developed determined the flood impacts to the City under existing conditions and allowed us to recommend improvements to reduce or eliminate the flooding, which were summarized in the final report. Having a large role throughout the course of the project and seeing how it all came together was really beneficial to my career development.”