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Water Services

Planning for the future of conservation and growth

staff performing flushing at a water hydrant in the street

Water Services

West Yost’s Water Business Sector combines diverse experiences and perspectives to assist our clients throughout the utility planning process. Our services encompass planning, modeling, and regulatory support for a range of water-related utilities, including recycled water, drinking water, and wastewater. Our team excels in master planning and is often managing multiple plans concurrently. Our team also provides comprehensive services for drinking water, addressing everything from Urban Water Management Plans to surge and transient evaluations.

As the importance of recycled water in water conservation continues to grow, West Yost is actively engaged in finding innovative ways to maximize its use. Our teams introduce innovative technology and tools to assess internal plumbing, cross-connection control, system conversion, and complete testing. We assist our clients with Title 22 recycled water treatment, recycled water use planning studies, and the establishment of funding sources, including grants.

Our collection systems team specializes in planning, flow monitoring, and hydraulic modeling for collection systems and combined sewer/stormwater systems. They collaborate with utilities to fulfill their regulatory requirements for sewer system management plan updates and valuable recommendations to help municipalities manage their growth effectively.

Project Highlights

Ladder to the top of the water tank owned by EMWD

Water Facilities Master Plan and 30 Water Modeling Projects

Eastern Municipal Water District

West Yost completed the District’s 2015 Water Facilities Master Plan. The District anticipates significant future growth, projecting a three-fold increase in demand. To meet the District’s rapid buildout requirements, West Yost is providing on-call hydraulic modeling support with over 30 different projects completed to date.

Stanford University campus image

Recycled Water and Alternative Water Supply Planning

Stanford University

West Yost has advised Stanford on recycled water use opportunities on campus since 2010. As part of our work for the university, West Yost prepared a recycled water white paper that outlines potential campus-related recycled water uses, recycled water regulations, permitting issues, and water quality.

Recycled Water Support Services

City of Oceanside

Our team is assisting the City of Oceanside with recycled water projects, including retrofit plans, plan review, inspections, annual inspections, and shutdown testing services. As part of this effort, our team will prepare site conversion evaluation reports for 68 sites (300 meters). The City’s customers who recently converted to recycled water include the Goat Hill Golf Course and the El Corazon Sport Complex (18 soccer fields). As the City’s representative, our staff coordinates with the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, the State Water Resources Control Board, and customers.

Street and walking area with grass strip in Oceanside.
City of Garden Grove Well 20 building and sign

Water Master Plan and SCADA Master Plan

City of Garden Grove

West Yost recently completed the City of Garden Grove’s Water System Master Plan Update. The City, located in north central Orange County, has an 18-square-mile service area and is close to being built out. The principal challenges facing the City include aging infrastructure and capacity issues associated with older small-diameter mains. West Yost updated the distribution system hydraulic model, planned and completed a field program to collect hydrant flow test data, calibrated the model pipeline roughness values using the field data, and verified the model comparing model operations to SCADA data.

Water Master Plan Update and Collection System Master Plan Update

City of Stockton

West Yost is preparing an update to the City’s Water and Collection System Master Plans. These efforts will provide an evaluation of water system and collection system infrastructure needs. The master plans will support buildout identified in the recently updated Envision Stockton 2040 General Plan with an updated capital improvement plan. After collaborating with the City to confirm project goals, priorities, and strategies a number of tasks are planned.

aerial image of City of Stockton

Team Spotlight

Elizabeth Drayer, PE

Interim Water Business Sector Leader

Brenda Estrada, PE

Engineering Manager

Amy Kwong, PE

Principal Engineer II

Insights & Trainings

West Yost is an Equal Opportunity Employer

EEO Policy