Our team is assisting the City of Oceanside, as part of the City’s Upper and Lower San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility Conveyance Systems project, with various on-site recycled water services.
Support services include attending initial meetings with potential recycled water users to discuss the City’s project. Following each meeting, a site survey report is prepared for the customer that describes the recycled water conversion process, assesses the site-specific conversion requirements, and provides a cost estimate for the conversion. Once customers submit recycled water irrigation plans to the City, West Yost provides plan check review, inspection, and potable and recycled water cross-connection testing services. Potential customers include three golf courses, cemeteries, parks, various homeowner’s associations, commercial centers, agricultural users, and medians/streetscapes.
Additional services involve the preparation of retrofit plans for the conversion of City-owned sites such as City Hall and various parks and medians, the review of the City’s recycled water specifications and standard drawings, the annual inspection and cross-connection testing of existing and future recycled water customers, and as-needed services to support the City recycled water project.
As the City’s representative, West Yost staff coordinates the on-site approval of the various customers with the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, the State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water, City’s staff, and the various said customers.
Team Spotlight

Alex Bucher, PE
Principal Engineer II

Alex Bucher, PE
Principal Engineer II
“What’s exciting for me about recycled water compliance is that every day is different and I enjoy that we work for great agencies throughout California. For example on one day we could be doing a cross-connection shutdown test for a 1,000 foot tall dual plumbed building in San Francisco and the next we could be doing inspections in Irvine or Encinitas, or preparing retrofit drawings to convert to recycled water a homeowner’s association in San Diego.
I have been working on the City of Oceanside Upper and Lower Recycled Water Expansion Project. The project encompasses every type of services that our recycled water compliance group provides. It ranges from the initial customer meeting and site conversion report, to reviewing irrigation drawings, performing site inspections and then completing cross–connection testing for all of the users.”