West Yost designed improvements to most of the City of Jackson’s wastewater treatment plant to address new regulatory requirements and aging infrastructure. Improvements included conversion of existing oxidation ditches to simultaneous nitrification-denitrification with improved aeration control and instrumentation, construction of a new disc filter facility, conversion from chlorine disinfection to UV disinfection using inclined lamp configuration, changing from belt press dewatering to screw press dewatering, construction of a new electrical building and MCC capacity, up-sizing electrical service to the facility, and installation of a new standby generator.
Team Spotlight

Whitney Sandelin, PE
Associate Engineer II

Whitney Sandelin, PE
Associate Engineer II
“Some of the things that I really appreciate about my work are opportunities to solve complex, multi-faceted problems, and the ability to learn from knowledgeable and experienced mentors at West Yost. I also have the chance to be involved in a variety of types of projects. For instance I worked this year on drinking water, wastewater, and biosolids projects; I am able to participate in multiple facets of the industry, which I find exciting!
We recently finished a design for the City of Santa Cruz’s Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant, which included improvements to the treatment plant’s disinfection process, filter backwash system, and residuals handling process. Included in the design was the replacement of three large concrete tanks, four pump stations, plus many related facilities. It was a great accomplishment and involved the work of many West Yost staff from different business sectors. We all learned a lot over the course of the project.”

Greg Chung, PE
Operations Director, Vice President

Greg Chung, PE
Operations Director, Vice President
“I get excited by the discovery and challenge of engineering and the inspiration and energy I get from working alongside very smart and dedicated people.
I am proud that our team was able to help the City of Jackson improve their wastewater treatment plant on a very limited budget. The City had very limited funds and a lot to improve at the treatment plant and I was proud that our team was able to work through the many technical challenges and deliver a successful project.”

Andy Smith, PE
Water Treatment Practice Area Leader, Principal Engineer I

Andy Smith, PE
Water Treatment Practice Area Leader, Principal Engineer I
“Since my earliest days with West Yost, I’ve been involved in a number of wastewater treatment facility planning and design projects for the City of Galt that are among my most cherished accomplishments as an engineer. It’s been particularly rewarding being involved with certain improvements from their earliest genesis in a master planning document all the way to their successful startup following years-long design and construction activities.
Highlights of my contributions have included a complete tertiary treatment system, state-of-the-art biosolids dewatering facilities, and an innovate approach to achieving stringent nitrogen limits without the need for dedicated anoxic treatment basins or energy-intensive aeration equipment. Throughout these projects, I’ve had the good fortune to develop lasting and gratifying relationships with a variety of the City’s public works employees.”