Groundwater: Online Resources and Webinars

Links to Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Resources and More
California Water Plan Update Webinar
3.15.15 – The much anticipated Groundwater Report, prepared in conjunction with California Water Plan Update 2013, is ready for release. Join the Project Team for a 60 minute overview and short question and answer session. TWO WEBINARS WILL BE GIVEN, one on April 23rd (9 a.m.) and the second on April 24th (10 a.m.). Please register for the date and time that works best for you. Both will use the same agenda and presentations. Register now at:
Future Webinars will be scheduled on the Hydrologic Region Groundwater Updates and the Appendices. Additional information about the session and report will be posted on the Water Plan meeting information page: as soon as it is available.
Click here to access Water Plan Webinar Flyer
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) – Public Listening Sessions — Basin Boundary Revisions Regulations – California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
DWR will host three public listening sessions and a webinar for public input and discussion. Please register for the meetings here— Note: Registration is not required for attendance at in-person sessions but is appreciated to ensure suitable accommodations for all attendees.
For additional information regarding basin boundary emergency regulations, please contact Steven Springhorn at or (916) 651-9273. For more information or special accommodations, please contact Lauren Bisnett, Public Information Officer, at (916) 653-7564 or at More information about the public listening sessions can be found here: